Users who post to this site retain their copyrights but give this site and its users, a non-exclusive license to forward any message they post. Any messages posted to this site will be archived. Any information you consider private should be marked as "private and confidential" to avoid further dissemination. Also, any information that might have commercial resale value that you do not wish this site to have use of should also be marked as "private and confidential".
Those who post on this web site give permission to the site owner to archive and use messages. Users also give others a non-exclusive license to forward messages that have been posted. If you do not want personal information shared, please mark it "private and confidential".
Our site collects both messages & information that you submit (such as your e-mail address, home address etc.) so that we can build up a personal profile, which we use to provide a better service to you - a TA member. From time to time we may use this information to contact you with details of any new products or services that we think may be of benefit to yourself. We will not sell or rent any personnel information to any other company or organization without your permission or consent. You retain the copyright of any messages or information submitted but give others a non-exclusive license to forward such messages. We also retain the right to archive any messages or information that you may submit.